Thursday, April 30, 2009

Letter: Be American, Buy American Cars

Click Here to read this letter to the editor from Florida. It's short but has a good message.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Some Good News

I found this story interesting and wanted to share it with you. Some good news.

"Buy America Victory in Ft Wayne, Indiana
AAM (Alliance for American Manufacturing)field coordinators Rachel Bennett Steury and Michael Mitchell helped push a Buy America Resolution that unanimously passed the Ft. Wayne City Council".
Read full article

Credit for this article goes to and was posted on their site by S Capozzola

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I wish I knew where I could find stats that would tell if the Buy America Back campaign is working. I am so counting on it. Maybe it has been going on for a long time and I just didn't know about it.

I know my son was buying American long before it was the popular thing to do. I am so proud of him. .It just took a crisis in the country for me to realize how important this is. I guess it is one of those things like, "Gee, I could've had a V8".

Anyway, if any one comes along some stats on the Buy America Back campaign, please let me know.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Botanic Choice

Botanic Choice is a company that sells herbal supplements and natural remedies. They have been in business since 1910 and have remained in Indiana. They started out by selling from catalogs but now you can find their products in most stores that carry vitamins and such. In the beginning they grew their own herbs but now the company is too big and they have to rely on other growers.

I wrote to them and asked about where their herbs come from and this was their response:
A lot of our herbs are US grown. We do get some products from other countries as well. We hold our herbs to very high standards and all our products are tested for quality and purity on a regular basis.

I hope they are telling the truth because I use their products. So far everything has been good.

You can click the banner below to check out their products and website.
Click to save on quality supplements!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Well, I Am Confused

When I think about bicycles Huffy comes to mind first. I have become very interested in mountain biking and thought I would look up Huffy bikes to see what they have.

When I looked up the company on Wikipedia, it said that Huffy Sports sent everything to China in 1999 but then continued to do poorly so they filed chapter 11 in 2004.

On the Huffy website it says, "Huffy celebrates 30 years as #1 selling bike brand in the U.S. and sells its 100 millionth bicycle" That was 2006.

So where are they made? I couldn't find the answer anywhere. Wonder if there are any other bike manufacturers in the US? I want a mountain bike.

If anyone wants information on how to buy a mountain bike go here

Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Mistake And Apology

Thank you Mary for your accurate observation about Mr. Chin, and for pointing out my mistake. I had not looked up this crime, only knew about and "assumed" those 2 men were brought to justice. Actually they didn't get in much trouble at all. They served no jail time, were given three years probation, fined $3,000 and ordered to pay $780 in court costs.
I feel very bad about not looking up my facts before I wrote about it and misleading anyone who read that post.
The point I was trying to make was that it's not the American people as a whole that do these types of crimes, but a few who get carried away. Those few I don't even consider Americans. I consider them idiots.
I sincerely apologize for my mistake.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I do a lot of searching and watching the news for anything that is Buy America Back related. Lately I have been seeing information that says a lot of Asian people are afraid of the Buy America Back campaigns.
In 1982 a man named Vincent Chin was killed by 2 men with a baseball bat and this murder was supposedly over jobs being outsourced. What those 2 guys did was ignorant and I am sure they are paying the price for it now.
Asian people are concerned that we will turn against them for our economy problems. Don't you think if Americans were going to turn against Asians it would have happened before now?

Buy American Rallys

I read on another website that people are having rallies encouraging people to buy American. Most of the people are laid off workers. At one place they were showing green metal pipes that were made in India. Our Steelworkers should be making those. My son is a Pipe Fitter and he says the imported pipes are "junk". Well, you know that our buildings are being made of imported steel today. How strong do you think they will be?

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Little Things

I was in Target looking for a Wedding card for a friend and Easter cards for family. I picked up one after another checking to see where they came from. Most were from China, but I was delightfully surprised when I found some made in the USA. They were actually nicer than the ones from China. I bought what I needed and felt so pleased that I found American made cards. Oh the little things in life....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Home Made in America

While searching for more Made in the USA products I stumbled onto a website that is so cool. It's call Home Made in America. What is so nice is that it is a directory leading to other peoples web pages where they sell their home made items. I was amazed at all the talent. I was in there shopping forever. If you want to check it out, Click Here.