Monday, March 9, 2009

New Balance Shoes

At one time, New Balance were the only brand of shoe I thought were made in the US. Then I heard that only one of their shoes were made here. I was mistaken. I just visited their website and they report that they have 6 factories in the US, so all of their shoes are made here. The question is about what materials are used. If the shoe has more that 70% domestic material is will have a label of Made in the USA. If less than 70% it will have both US and imported materials. On their website they have a listing with pictures of all shoes that are considered made in the USA. Click on: to check them out. They are good shoes, and the only brand I will buy.


  1. Hi Anita: Thanks for your visit to my blog too. It piqued my interest in visiting yours. I recently bought a pair of New Balance, made in the USA, but not all of them are. Yes, they have half a dozen factories here. But the vast majority of their shoes are made in China. The only way to know is to check the label in the tongue of the shoe. In doing this at a local store, it took me 20+ New Balance shoes before I found one Made in the USA.

  2. I know what you mean. I am about to buy a new pair and I'm afraid the ones I want will not be made here. I am sticking to my guns though and will find a pair of my liking that was made in the USA. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Hi Anita. Only 25% of New Balance shoes are made in the USA. Check it out on our website,

  4. Thanks for letting me know about your website it is full of information. Just what I'm looking for. I see what you mean about the shoes, but if you are looking for tennis shoes you are really limited in choices. I am going to link to your site. Keep up the good work.
